Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today, we had fcat. so after fact you would go to your next teacher. So after my second day of fcat (today) i walked down to my critical thinking class and noticed i was the only one there. Just me and my teacher. It was kind of wierd how i got that much time before class. What would you do? Leave a comment below and let me now. See ya later.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

            If you don't alot about me I like to hunt. I got a new rifle last saturday and going hunting for hog next saturday. P.S my rifle is a seven millimeter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

here's my second assignment

    " There is a wisdom of the head and a wisdom of the heart." spoken by Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
He was an english writer.

My Assignment:
Write 5 statements that show logical wisdom and 5 statements that show emotional wisdom.
Which kind was harder for you to come up with? Why?

Logical                                                                          Emotioal
17+19=36                                                                       If I love it
1.5+.5=2                                                                         If I show respect
2+2=4                                                                             If I cry for it
3+3=6                                                                             If I laugh for it
4+4=8                                                                             If I sing for it

It was harder to come up with the emotional ones becuase i'm left brained.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My classwork

Hello all my followers. its me

Thanks to my teacher (who im not allowed to name) i got a 5/5 on my LEQ (which is a classroom assinment) Here it is

  "It matters not how strait the gate, how charged the punishments the scroll, i am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul."

My assiment was to write
Who is this about?
What is this about?
When does it happen?
Why is he the master?
How is he the captain?

I write:
1. This is about you being in charge of you.
2. The way you chose your life doesn't matter, you only have two ways.
3. When you die it detemines if your going to heaven or not.
4. He controls himself.
5. He steers himself in the right path.